Welcome to Pro Civil Engineering
Our team of expert engineers have been helping London business owners with large scale innercity developments and property developers with office, housing and community spaces for many years. Our approach to civil engineering focuses on high level structural design to cut down on construction design, meaning that our projects are all tackled with efficiency, prioritising critical design elements and ensuring the latest environmental standards are adhered to.
Our civil engineers are always up to date with the latest technology, using sophisticated software to ensure we are equipped with the necessary tools and advanced methods of structural construction.
At Pro Civil, we deliver projects of all sizes, including Water, Environment and Power Buildings, domestic and commercial property development, transport and even mining. This means we have experience in many different types of civil engineering which allows us to look at complex structural design and construction from different perspectives, ensuring we can find solutions to all sorts of advanced and modern engineering.

Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Groundworks & Utilities
Structural Design
Experts in Excavation

Topsoil Excavation
Involves the removal of the the exposed layer of earth and compressing it, making it more suitable for heavy loads. This is typically done between 150 - 300mm.

Earth Excavation
Involves the removal of the layer of soil beneath the topsoil. This is typically then taken to be used for foundations.

Rock Excavation
The removal of any material that requires specialist excavation methods, including drilling.

Muck Excavation
The removal of wet materials or soil that is unsuitable for using in construction or other forms of stockpiling.
Civil Construction
Pro Civil also has a dedicated team of civil construction engineers who can design, construct and maintain the physical structure for commercial and domestic clients. Civil Construction can also involve building airports, roads, bridges, dams and canals as well as buildings.
Structural engineering is integral to civil construction, with considerations put into place for the way the building supports itself along with resisting heavy load. With buildings being built stories high, the infrastructure of the building and its foundations are important to the longevity of the structure but also its durability and health and safety measures.